Acoustic monitoring:
OSI is a leading organization in the field of marine acoustic monitoring globally. OSI’s staff has been involved in pioneering the development of instrumentation for marine acoustics studies for nearly 20 years. We have extensive experience with all technical and logistical aspects of passive acoustic monitoring (PAM), including the deployment/retrieval of PAM instrumentation under a variety of field conditions, the analysis and interpretation of acoustic data, and the synthesis and reporting of PAM results. OSI’s proprietary PAM instrument, the Ecological Acoustic Recorder (EAR) is used widely around the world by agencies and institutions that include, NOAA, the U.S. Navy, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology and several other academic, private sector and government entities throughout the U.S., Europe and Asia. We offer services that range from providing PAM instrumentation and/or training to executing all aspects of a monitoring project.
Behavioral studies:
OSI’s staff members have extensive experience with animal behavior studies, particularly involving cetacean species in Hawaii. We offer expertise in assessing, measuring and/or projecting animal behavioral responses to environmental and/or anthropogenic factors. We are able to design and execute animal behavior studies using a variety of tools, including acoustics, visual observation, photo ID, tracking and/or tagging of animals.
Field surveys:
OSI’s team is made up of highly trained field biologists with decades of experience performing marine mammal vessel and aerial surveys, towed-array acoustic surveys, EK-60 echosounder surveys, land-station surveys and underwater surveys for fish, corals and invertebrates. We have experience conducting field surveys from a variety of platforms ranging from small boats to large government research vessels. We offer the ability to design and execute field projects to examine the occurrence, abundance, density and distribution of a range of marine species, including marine mammals, turtles and coral reef fauna. As deemed necessary or desired, we can partner with collaborators in academia, industry and government to leverage additional resources and capabilities.
Data analysis and reporting:
In addition to executing field studies, OSI offers a variety of data analysis and reporting services. Our team has extensive expertise with a range of data analysis and statistical programs, as well as the development of custom Matlab software to perform unique analyses. We welcome the opportunity to work with new or existing data sets to maximize the information return from data collection efforts, both others’ and our own. We are also accomplished writers with a proven track record of publishing in peer-reviewed scientific journals, drafting reports, and presenting results at international meetings, conferences and outreach events. Therefore, we offer the ability to report on the results of data analyses at any level desired.
OSI’s staff members are passionate about engaging in education and outreach activities to inform the local and global community about ocean science and conservation. We have experience teaching at various levels ranging from community lectures to university courses. We are equally enthusiastic about sharing our knowledge and expertise with the curious public as we are offering training or presenting our findings to seasoned scientists and policy makers. We can tailor lectures, workshops or courses to cover any of our areas of expertise. Please contact us if you have an event in which you would like us to participate.